Union Held its annual Installation of Officers on January 13th. Congratulations to the Truckroom and Company Officers of 2024!
Truckroom Officers:
Chief: Justin Miller
1st. Assistant Chief: William R. Weber
2nd Assistant Chief: Philip Wzientek
Fire Captain: Thomas Wzientek
EMS Captain: Joelle VanDewater
Lieutenant: Al Calderone
Lieutenant: Andrew Kalczynski
Truckroom Secretary: Donald B. Littler
Equipment Officers:
Amelia Weber
Brian Gurowski
Baylei Oscypala
Gretchen McGiveron
Luke Marino
Scott Becker
Company Officers:
President: Scott Becker
Vice-President: Lauren Hare
Recording Secretary: George Northem
Sgt. At Arms: Stanley Pajak
Treasurer: Sandra Krawczyk
Financial Secretary: David Monolopolus