Union Held Its annual Installation of Officers on January 14 2023. Chief Justin Miller was officially Sworn in as Chief of Department. Now Former Chief John Monson gave his final Chiefs Report of 2022. Chief Monson Reflected on all the unique challenges and calls faced in the wake of several major storms, flooding, major commercial fires and last but not least, a global pandemic during his term as Chief. Chief Monson's leadership and knowledge had gotten the department through these challenges without falter. Our Sincere thanks to Chief Monson on his dedication, leadership and friendship.
Union would also like to congratulate our new Chief Justin Miller. Justin joined Union in 2003, and has worked his way up as an officer over the last several years.
Congratulations to the Truckroom Officers of 2023 -
Chief - Justin Miller
1st Asst. Chief - William R. Weber
2nd Asst. Chief - Philip Wzientek
Fire Captain (U9-4)- Thomas Wzientek
EMS Captain (U9-3)- Joelle Vandewater
Fire Lieutenant - Albert Calderone
EMS Lieutenant - Sandra Krawczyk
Equipment Officers - Brian Gutowski, Amelia Weber, Eric Patterson & Luke Marino
Company Officers of 2023 -
President - Thomas Held
Vice-President - Scott Becker
Secretary - George Northem
Treasurer - Sandra Krawczyk
Sgt. At Arms - Stanley Pajak
Financial Secretary - David Monolopolus
Chief Miller Introduces the New Truckroom Officers of 2023
Truckroom Officers of 2023 (Left to Right) Chief Miller, 1st. Asst. Chief Weber, 2nd Asst. Chief P. Wzientek, Captain T. Wzientek, Captain Vandewater, Lt. Calderone, Lt. Krawczyk, Eq. Officers A. Weber, L. Marino, E. Patterson. Firematic Secretary D. Littler
Chief Monson Receives his Plaque for his dedicated service as Chief of Union Fire Company. (He also Received a Gumball Machine full of his favorite Fireballs)
Chief Monson's Plaque From the Board of Fire Commissioners